Does collagen help hair growth?

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To achieve hair that is healthier, thicker and more durable Perhaps you've asked whether collagen can aid in hair growth? If you're bored of having limp and fragile hair or in the event that you're suffering from loss of hair, you've likely already conducted a bit of research on how to encourage hair growth. You may have also come across collagen as a solution.

Collagen is a naturally-occurring protein found in our body that helps maintain hair elasticity and healthy skin. Collagen is usually found in the top proteins(opens in a new tab) since as we age our collagen stores diminish. Therefore having supplements with collagen can retain your appearance and keep hair looking a bit younger. You can purchase pure collagen powder and mix it in with milk, water, or coffee using the most effective shakers for protein.

While collagen can contribute to more youthful looking hair and skin However, little is known about the possibility that it will result in longer, more dense hair. This article will go through the research findings and provide a solution to "can collagen promote hair growth? '.


Collagen is a form of protein. Collagen is among the body's vital structural components that play an essential function in bones, skin as well as hair. Collagen can be produced in the body, however with time the body produces smaller amounts of it. As collagen stores decrease and we age, we tend to show signs of wrinkles, loss of hair, as well as other physical ailments like joint pain.

Collagen is a very popular ingredient for those who want to maintain better looking hair and skin. Collagen can also be an effective treatment for physical illnesses.

A study conducted in 2019 by Nutritional Factors(opens in a new tab) revealed, collagen supplements may improve the skin's hydration, skin's elasticity, and the density of skin.

Another study published in 2019 in Journal of Drugs in Dermatology(opens in a new tab) discovered that collagen may aid in managing osteoarthritis and ease joint pain. A study from 2012 that was published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry(opens in a new tab) also revealed that collagen helped reduce joint pain for patients suffering from osteoarthritis, to the point that they could take part in more physical activities.


Collagen is known to aid in the maintenance of healthy joints and skin However, what is it doing for hair health? There are numerous stories of collagen as an important factor in hair health however, how reliable are these claims?

According to research by researchers in Science it is known that loss of hair is directly connected to the collagen supply in our bodies. This is why a lot of females and males experience hair loss with get older.

"Collagen is primarily made up of three nonessential amino acids: proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline and it is Proline, which is also the main component of keratin, the fibrous wool-like substance that makes up our hair and nails," says Medical Physicist and the founder of 28 Day Skin, Kevin Herbert. "Consuming proline-rich collagen provides our body with the building blocks it needs to create hair."

"There isn't a huge amount of clinical data to support how collagen helps hair growth," says Herbert. The research done has been promising.

Certain studies conducted in Marine Drugs(opens in a new tab) and Food and Function(opens in new tab) have been conducted to determine the ability of collagen, an antioxidant, and can fight free radicals which can harm hair follicles. There are however, only a few human studies that show the efficacy of collagen supplements for those with hair follicle problems.

These studies look promising, but they are far from conclusive. If you suffer from collagen help hair loss because of depleting collagen supply or because of hair follicle damage, taking a collagen supplement might aid. In addition, since there are scientifically proven outcomes for the health of your skin so it's obvious that collagen supplements can enhance the health of the scalp's skin which can lead to healthier, more dense hair.

However, certain doctors and researchers believe collagen supplements aren't as efficient for hair growth than what their marketing might suggest. Like all supplements the effects can vary from person to. It's worth taking collagen for a few months to gain a better understanding of whether it's had any effects on your hair's health.


Do you want to incorporate collagen supplements to your daily routine to promote good hair health?

A collagen supplement will offer you an additional dosage of collagen. Collagen supplements are offered in powder and pill form, which means that you can easily integrate the supplements into your daily routine.

It is also possible to increase your intake of collagen by eating food items that are rich in collagen. Some collagen-rich foods include:

In order to keep your collagen levels high maintaining a balanced life style is vital. You should consume a balanced diet, refrain from smoking and don't forget to wear sunscreen when you go outside.

If you opt to take supplements to boost your hair growth, it's crucial to not take several pills at once. "There is a specific medical condition called Scleroderma (or systemic sclerosis) that arises from an overproduction of collagen in the skin, which can lead to several skin-related complications," Herbert says to Scandinavianbiolabs. "This however is very rare and unlikely to arise from normal diet or supplementation. There is no RDA for collagen however studies investigating the benefits of collagen supplements have evaluated doses ranging from 2.5 to 10 grams per day."

So, you should try to consume the recommended dose of collagen. More isn't always more effective.

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